Everyone knows that exercise is good for the body. Anyone who can exercise for an hour several times a week improves their health enormously and can ensure the production of numerous happiness hormones. Movement is not only good for the muscles, the circulation and general endurance, it also makes you happy. Studies show that exercise can even help with depression and reduce stress levels. Different sports have different effects, which is why it is worthwhile to create a varied fitness program. So you always have the right thing to do when you need a balance for negative emotions, stress or unpleasant feelings. We are therefore showing three sports that can make you happier!

The 3 Sports That Will Make You A Happier Person
Yoga – Mindful Handling Of The Body
The Indian movement theory of yoga brings numerous benefits for body and soul. This is less about physical fitness, even if it can be significantly improved on the side. Much more, yoga revolves around the mindful handling of oneself, feeling all areas, and the balance between body and mind. Slow yoga styles like Yin Yoga also have a meditative component, which also helps calm the mind and can reduce stress.
Dancing – Rhythmic Balance To Everyday Life
Hardly any other sport is as fun as dancing. In harmony with the music, the body moves as if by itself and one forgets all worries. Which dance style you choose doesn’t really matter. Many people prefer classic couple dances because sport and time can be perfectly combined with loved ones. Close physical contact releases the happiness hormone oxytocin, which is essential for our happiness. Dancing also increases the bond with the other person, which can have a rewarding effect on both partners and friends. Of course, you can also opt for other dance variants. Choreographies in the field of hip hop or jazz dance make dancers sweat and are simply fun. If you have at some point automatically saved the dance and can dance an entire song without thinking, you will also be rewarded with numerous happiness hormones such as dopamine.
Running – Reach the Runner’s High
Many don’t like running because it sounds too monotonous or exhausting. In fact, if you do it right, running can be a lot of fun. First, it is important that you find your perfect running speed. If you run too fast, you get tired very quickly or get a stitch in your side. As a result, you have to stop and take breaks very soon, which can be frustrating for new runners. The perfect running speed has been found when you can still talk easily without getting out of breath.
Psychological Effects
Running serves numerous purposes for the body and mind. Exercise stimulates metabolism, builds muscles, and improves endurance. The psychological effects should never be underestimated. In the process, numerous happiness hormones are released, which can be particularly helpful in the event of stress, sadness, and anger.