Rugby is an international game that was developed during the 1800s. It is known to be a very physical sport and includes a lot of contact. Two teams each containing 15 players compete to get the ball behind the opposition’s try line and ultimately score the most amount of points. Over the years the game of rugby is gained huge popularity in various countries, including South Africa, Kenya, Australia, New Zealand, England, and many other countries in Europe. Today, rugby is even played in the Olympics. Why? Well, there are loads of advantages that come with the game. Keep reading to see what some of them are.

5 Reasons Why Rugby Is So Beneficial
Great Cardio Workout
As rugby involves a lot of running, jogging, and throwing of the ball, it makes total sense as to why it is such a great cardio workout. Therefore, it helps improves the body’s cardiovascular system by building a strong heart and lungs that are better able to deliver oxygen to muscles faster. With that being said, playing rugby can also help maintain a healthy weight and of course improve one’s fitness level.
Builds Strength
Playing the sport of rugby is a super way to help build strength throughout the body as you are required to use nearly all of your muscles for tackling, sprinting, and throwing the ball. As players are needed to battle in scrums, powerful legs muscles are very beneficial, while solid arms are required for handling the ball. Without enough time and practice, players’ strengths and muscles become substantially developed.
Improves Social Skills
The next advantage is more about mental wellbeing. Through rugby, individuals get to learn how to communicate and be part of a team. This is one of the best ways to improve social skills as rugby is a great team sport. Sportsmanship, team spirit, cooperation as well as healthy developing a competitive edge are just some of the other benefits that come with playing rugby, whether it be socially or professionally. Another bonus that comes with the game of rugby is the ability for players to develop their leadership skills by taking on the role of captain of the team. Many experts recommend that people should start playing from a young age as it quickly expands some of the best social skills for later on in life.
Reduces Stress
We all know that life comes with all kinds of stresses. Whether it be pressure like financial struggles, family life, or anxiety that comes with being in college, this is why rugby is an awesome way to reduce all that stress. We all know that the long-term effects of stress can really be detrimental to our health, so why not pick up a rugby ball and use it as a positive distraction? The release of endorphins while playing the game is enough to lift your mood and even help aid a better night’s sleep.
Increased Bone Density
Various studies have shown that regularly playing rugby can increase your bone density as exercise imposes stress on the bones, therefore stimulating the deposition of calcium along the line of stress. Still unsure as to what the real advantage of this is? Well, by improving the density of your bones, you protect yourself from developing osteoporosis later on in life.