The intense game of football has just gotten a whole lot more interesting. The sport is widely played by men and has a huge following, however, women have too branched into the sport. This game is a little different. The league is now called the Legends Football League but was previously termed Lingerie Football League. Ladies wear minimal clothing and are way more aggressive than in normal football. The field is smaller, and padded on the sides, to somewhat assist in the blunt force that occurs. This new world will be explored, delved, and explained!

Ladies Of Football, A Look Into Their World
Teams of the LFL include Chicago Bliss, Atlanta Steam, Baltimore Charm, Seattle Mist, Dallas Desire, Los Angeles Temptation, San Diego Seduction, and many many more. The women who play on these teams are often ex-professional college athletes, all the women are in impeccable shape and work extremely hard to maintain the necessary fitness needed. These women may not wear very much clothing but the sport is unbelievably rough. Women of the LFL do not get paid to participate they in fact have to pay a fee to be a part of the league. This is a major downside as they are still expected to train and remain in the shape of a professional athlete, yet they have to provide for themselves. A simple hour workout is not enough for the shape these ladies are in and many end up quitting due to having to obtain a normal paying job.
The league came about and was somewhat inspired by old halftime shows, models used to take the field and display themselves playing football, this intense sport then became a league of its own. The process of joining the league is not easy as these women have to tryout just like for any other sport, those already on a team have to re-tryout each year as if it is their first time. Key elements to making the team include being able to block, and being able to hit, as well as take hits, are major components. These ladies find themselves being injured rather often with standard torn ACL’s and a variety of others occurring. The fact they are so dedicated to play this sport that they fund themselves is what is incredible.
Standard regimens for working out include working out 5-6 days a week, with heavy cardio, all-around strength workouts as well as calisthenics. They undergo training camps just as seen in the NFL and maintain professional athlete levels of fitness. These women are so admirable for being able to do maintain this and play accordingly all whilst still having to work regular jobs and find ways to support themselves. Additionally, the sport has a large following with tons of fans coming out to watch, support them, and who ultimately follow the sport just as they would any other. We have no doubt this sport is a sight to see, and it truly deserves some more recognition. Maybe payment too.